Try this amazing life hack for busy Mums from Stay Strong Mummy. HIIT training session for a total of 15 minutes. Spending hours in a gym just isn’t an option for us sometimes. A total body workout in just 15 minutes? Is it really possible? That’s why we love HIIT workouts that anyone can do from the comfort of their own home. HIIT workouts are achievable because they target the whole body for improved fitness, strength, and coordination, fat loss and muscle tone. Most importantly they are a fantastic stress release!
Stay Strong Mummy 15 Minute Total Body Workout
- 15 – Mountain Climbers
- 5 Push Ups
- 15 Jump Lunges
- 5 push ups
- 15 jump squats
- 5 push ups
Repeat as many rounds as possible without stopping for 15 minutes follow up with Coconut Water Protein Smoothie – Strawberry & Mint. Made with stay strong mummy protein powder.
How do you like to keep active? Tag JT’s Coconut Essence in your photos on Instagram and show us how you #getactivewithJTs

For more training tips and workout ideas, check out the Stay Stong Mummy Instagram Page or visit the website